Realm of Schreckski

Sign up for a cross-country (XC) ski lesson with Schreck!

Just email with this info:

  1. Whether you want a classic (in the tracks) or skate lesson. New to XC? Start with a classic lesson.
  2. Whether you are a beginner or intermediate to advanced skier.
  3. How many lessons you want (prepay for three, the fourth is free!)
  4. If you want 75 minute or 2 hour lessons.
  5. Your preferred dates. Slots fill quickly, so try to email early in the season.
Smiling group of skiers
  1. Weekly Schedule & Locations
  2. Lesson Times
  3. Ski Rentals & Waxing
  4. Lesson Prices
  5. About the Instructor
  6. What to Expect

Weekly Schedule & Locations

Monday Beginner Classic or Skate
Hyak Sno-Park
Tuesday Location & level depend on grooming conditions
Lake Easton State Park or Suncadia
Wednesday Intermediate / Advanced Skate
Crystal Springs Sno-Park
Thursday Intermediate / Advanced Classic
Crystal Springs Sno-Park
Friday Intermediate / Advanced Skate
Crystal Springs Sno-Park
Saturday Location & level depend on grooming conditions
Lake Easton State Park or Suncadia
Sunday Intermediate / Advanced Skate
Crystal Springs Sno-Park

*All State Parks and Sno-Parks require either a Day Pass ($25) or a Season Pass with a Special Groomed Sticker ($120) for every vehicle. Available online: Sno-Park Permits

Photo of Schreck

Lesson Times

Please arrive at least 15 minutes early to suit up, warm up, and ski to the meet-up place.

Daily Lesson Times Duration
8 am to 9:15 75-minute lesson
9:30 to 10:45 75-minute lesson
11 am to 1 pm 2-hour lesson

Afternoons are for bicycling!

Schreck on a bicycle

Ski Rentals & Waxing

Schreck's famous skis

Gear rental:

Ski waxing:

Lesson Prices

Prices for a ski lesson (or how to get 4 lessons for the price of 3!)

Pre-pay with my Venmo account at: @Mike-Schreck-12.

Private 75-minute lesson Total Price 4-Pack
One Skier $110 $330
Two Skiers $160 $480
(25% longer than one hour) (5 hours!)
Two-Hour Lesson Total Price 4-Pack
One Skier $160 $480
Two Skiers $210 $630
Three Skiers $250 $750
(New this season!) (8 hours!)

About the Instructor


Schreck is a PSIA (Professional Ski Instructors of America) Certified Pro XC Level 2 Ski Instructor. He has spent the last 13 seasons instructing aspiring skiers of all levels how to ski faster and more efficiently on classic and skate skis. His students range in age from 6 to 86. He’s been born and raised in Washington and has been XC skiing here his whole life. Find more of his skiing (and cycling!) content here:

Skate technique videos

Classic technique videos

What to Expect

classic skiing

Take a private lesson or learn with one or two friends or family members. That means class sizes of 1-3 skiers—no large group lessons with strangers!

Ready to ski?

Email with any questions and to sign up for a lesson!

scenic xc skiing closing photo